I'm using the below headers on my web site but I'm running into a problem. The first time I visit my site for the day I don' tsee my ACP link. There are also instances where information is in our database that only registered members can create, but the form is still being loaded for non-logged in users so information is being created with the member_id field being 0.
I think the problem is that the cached file is staying on the proxy cache too long. Perhaps I missed something or misunderstood the caching technique I'm using.
Any advice anyone can provide would be appreciated.
if ($currentMember->isLoggedIn()) { $this->cachePermission = 'private'; } else { $this->cachePermission = 'public'; } $this->tru->header->set('Pragma', array( $this->cachePermission )); $this->tru->header->set('Cache-Control', array( $this->cachePermission, 'no-cache', 'max-age=300', 's-maxage=300', 'must-revalidate' ));
I'm mainly trying to get the Back button to work in the viewer's browser. I don't want any other caching aside from that.