I'm sort of new to the job search process, having spent a couple years in the industry straight out of college and then gone to graduate school for way too many years.
Now, despite (hopefully) getting a PhD from a top-tier school in 6 months, I'm leaving the academia and going back to the industry for a hands-on-position that will hopefully make some use of my background.
However, most of the recruiting avenues I have been used to are impractical: I'm not seeking academic positions so my academic contacts are worthless, and most college recruiting events and career fairs are depressingly entry-level oriented and I was often told that I am now overqualified. Most job boards that I've looked at are looking for extremely experienced team leads, or for very entry level positions. Most of my colleagues headed out to the west coast whereas I have to stay on the east-coast for family reasons.
I got a few interviews lined up, but it seems like I'm missing on a significant number of available jobs and it looks like I'll have to resort to a recruiter.
But how does one find a decent recruiter in a certain geographic area (NYC in my case)? Are their reputable companies that one can submit a resume to that are not entry-level slavetraders or simple scammers?