I have given asp.net membership provider security into my web application for login and created database into the ms sql server all working fine on local server but, when I transfer my database local machine to server login credential is not working. I am guessing its happen because, I have used asp.net membership security and it has created .mdf file in my app code file, can any help me please now how can, I add this .mdf database into my Ms sql database...?????
Google for Attach Database. An mdf is a detached database image and can be copied, reattached ...
2009-10-30 18:29:05
The simplest way is to detach/attach a database. You may need both, mdf and ldf files. You should also transfer logins between servers. See how-to here.
Damir Sudarevic
2009-10-30 18:42:13