




I have this code that can't send a Facebook request until now.

NSDictionary *firstDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
    @"image", @"Type",
    @"", @"src",
    @"", @"href",
NSDictionary *secondDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
    @"image", @"Type",
    @"", @"src",
    @"", @"href",
NSArray *mediaArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:firstDict, secondDict, nil];

NSArray *keys = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"name", @"description", @"href", @"media", nil];
NSArray *objects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
    [NSString stringWithString:@"MyTitle"],
    [NSString stringWithString:@"My caption"],
    [NSString stringWithString:@""], mediaArray, nil];

NSDictionary *attachment = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:objects forKeys:keys];
[[FBRequest requestWithDelegate:self] call:@"" params:attachment];

I took this sample :

But every time I run it, the console shows the following:

     "api_key" = adc8d70987098sdc;
     "call_id" = 23456767;
     description = "Any user's description";
     format = XML;
     href = "";
     media =     (
             Type = image;
             href = "";
             src = "";
             Type = image;
             href = "";
             src = "";
     method = "Facebook.streamPublish";
     name = aName;
     "session_key" = "d0f98bfs89b7fg7v";
     sig = 89v0d9fv879fgv;
     ss = 1;
     v = "1.0"; }

It shows parentheses for array instead brackets, is that normal?.

Then it displays the error:

*** -[NSCFArray dataUsingEncoding:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
     0x12fcb0 2009-10-30 13:54:27.758 GeoPixr[307:207]
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason:
*** -[NSCFArray dataUsingEncoding:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x12fcb0

The [session resume] call returns TRUE.

Thanks in advance.


dataUsingEncoding: is a NSString method, so presumably, some object is expecting an instance of NSString where you passed an array. I presume that FBRequest cannot deal with the array you included in the attachment dictionary.

Ole Begemann
Yeah, I've even tested the same code, first, writing the complete string an then applying the [string JSONValue] (just in case...) but the result is the same . WhatI don't understand is why these guys don't have preoblems with the request using a dictionary. uhmmmm....
+1  A: 

I couldn't find a way to send the dictionary with an array but there's another class that works for me:


Which brings up a dialog before it sends the information and it's delegate methods lets you know about changes.


I modified your example a little and it works. Here's the working code:

NSString *att = @"{\"name\":\"i\'m bursting with joy\",\"caption\": \"User rated the lolcat 5 stars\", \"description\": \"a funny looking cat\"}";
NSDictionary *attachment = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:att forKey:@"attachment"];
[[FBRequest requestWithDelegate:self] call:@"" params:attachment];
+2  A: 

If you're using latest iOS SDK For Facebook then using the below method you can publish image as a stream.

- (IBAction) publishStream: (id)sender {

  SBJSON *jsonWriter = [[SBJSON new] autorelease];

  NSDictionary* actionLinks = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                               @"Always Running",@"text",@"",@"href", nil], nil];

  NSString *actionLinksStr = [jsonWriter stringWithObject:actionLinks];
  NSDictionary* imageShare = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                @"image", @"type",
                                @"", @"src",
                                @"", @"href",

  NSDictionary* attachment = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                               @"a long run", @"name",
                               @"The Facebook Running app", @"caption",
                               @"it is fun", @"description",
                               @"", @"href",
                               [NSArray arrayWithObjects:imageShare, nil ], @"media",
  NSString *attachmentStr = [jsonWriter stringWithObject:attachment];
  NSMutableDictionary* params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                 kAppId, @"api_key",
                                 @"Share on Facebook",  @"user_message_prompt",
                                 actionLinksStr, @"action_links",
                                 attachmentStr, @"attachment",

  [_facebook dialog: @"stream.publish"
          andParams: params

The image part should be another NSDictionary object.

NSDictionary* imageShare = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                @"image", @"type",
                                @"", @"src",
                                @"", @"href",

And in the attachment NSDictionary object must include imageShare object as array

[NSArray arrayWithObjects:imageShare, nil ]

This is because if you not include this as an array, Json parser avoid [] brackets as a result the publish functionality will not work. Remember the string needs to be a valid JSON string otherwise facebook api will not publish.

Mahmud Ahsan