



Hi, I have one problems. I used X509 certificate to call asmx web service. The communication scenario is :

  1. client pick a x509 certificate from certstore, add to proxy object and call method CreateConnection on web service side: Code is here :

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(PickCertificate(StoreLocation.CurrentUser, StoreName.My));
        obj.Url = "https://test/WebService/service1.asmx";

2.1) On web service site is extracting X509 certificate from Context.

2.2) The webmethod CreateConnection call my own object SecureUtility, which write data from X509 certificate to the SQL database.

Problem is : I call web method CreateConnection with certificate people1, to the database are wrote good data from certificate people1.

Now I call web method with same instance of application with certificate people2, to the database are wrote (bad data) data from certificate people1.

So I call web method with same instance of application with certificate people3, to the database are wrote (bad data) data from certificate people1.

I check data from client certificate on client side, they are good.

But data from certificate on web service side are same (from first certificate) from all time of communication, which I used.

Can somebody help me? I don't know where can be problem. :( I try everything, but I don't solve my problem.

Here is my code:

This is web method, which I call from client, this method extraction X509 cert from context And call method CreateUser from my object SecureUtility. Method CreateUser, write data to SQL database.

    [SoapHeader("Ticket", Direction = SoapHeaderDirection.Out)]
    public void CreateConnection(string publicClientKey)
        //my own object
        SecureUtility secureUtil = null;
        X509Certificate2 cert = null;
            // extracting X509 certificate from Context
            cert   = new X509Certificate2(Context.Request.ClientCertificate.Certificate);
            //create instance of my object
            secureUtil              = new SecureUtility();

            //call method CreateUser from object

            TicketIdentity ticket        = new TicketIdentity(secureUtil.GetGuid());
            Application[ticket.Ticket]   = ticket;
            Ticket                       = new TicketHeader(ticket.Ticket);

        catch (Exception ex)
            System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException(ex);
            throw argEx;

This is my class SecureUtility. In class SecureUtility

public class SecureUtility
    private string Subject; //Common name from x509 cert

    public void CreateUser(X509Certificate2 cert)
        //verify cert
        if (cert.Verify())
            //extracting Common name from certificate
            Subject = cert.Subject.ToString();
            throw new SecurityException("Bad cert");
        Subject = null;

     // this method write string Subject in database
    private void WriteUserData()
        SqlConnection conn = null;
        SqlCommand cmdIns = null;
            conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security=True;" +

            string sql = "Insert into ConnectionTable (Subject)"
            + "VALUES(@subject);";
            cmdIns = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);

            SqlParameter _subjectParam = new SqlParameter("@subject", DbType.String);
            _subjectParam.Value = Subject;

            if (conn != null)
