I guess you are trying to create a computed column in [dSCHEMA].[TABLE_COPY_TO].
In such case, you have to define the DDL properly. Below is an example
declare @tblCopyFrom table
fieldA varchar(10)
,fieldB varchar(10)
declare @tblCopyTo table
fieldA varchar(10)
,fieldB varchar(10)
,fieldC AS (fieldA + '-' + fieldB) -- Computed Column
insert into @tblCopyFrom
select 'valA1','valB1' union all
select 'valA2','valB2' union all
select 'valA3','valB3' union all
select 'valA4','valB4' union all
select 'valA5','valB5'
insert into @tblCopyTo (fieldA,fieldB)
select * from @tblCopyFrom
select * from @tblCopyTo
Else, before insertion you can add the computed column to your table and then insert
Alter table TABLE_COPY_TO Add (fieldC AS (fieldA + '-' + fieldB))
insert into.......