I'm really stuck on why the following code block 1 result in output 1 instead of output 2?
Code block 1:
class FruitContainer:
def __init__(self,arr=[]):
self.array = arr
def addTo(self,something):
def __str__(self):
ret = "["
for item in self.array:
ret = "%s%s," % (ret,item)
return "%s]" % ret
arrayOfFruit = ['apple', 'banana', 'pear']
arrayOfFruitContainers = []
while len(arrayOfFruit) > 0:
tempFruit = arrayOfFruit.pop(0)
tempB = FruitContainer()
for container in arrayOfFruitContainers:
print container
**Output 1 (actual):**
**Output 2 (desired):**
The goal of this code is to iterate through an array and wrap each in a parent object. This is a reduction of my actual code which adds all apples to a bag of apples and so forth. My guess is that, for some reason, it's either using the same object or acting as if the fruit container uses a static array. I have no idea how to fix this.