



Can you give an example of stack overflow in C++? Other than the recursive case:

void foo() { foo(); }
+10  A: 

Please see Stack overflow - Wikipedia. I have linked directly to the examples section.

Andrew Hare
+3  A: 

void function() { function(); }

John Boker
+1 clean and straightforward. This is ALL you need to blow the stack.
Paul Sasik
Can we make it shorter? Yes, we can! `void _(){_();}` ... it's almost like Perl ;)
The difference is, in Perl land, it's more likely that you'll blow *your* stack before Perl does.
Since this function takes no arguments, declares nothing, and returns nothing, I wonder if a smart optimizer might simple turn this into an infinite loop, in which case, it would not blow the stack...
+1  A: 

This example shows uncontrolled recursion. Eventually, the stack spaced allocated to this process will be completely overwritten by instances of bar and ret...

int foo( int bar )
    int ret = foo( 42 );
    return ret;
+2  A: 

Keep trying to return main until the stack runs out?

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    return main(argc, argv);
Mark Rushakoff
It's not legal to call main() in C++.
I know it won't format correctly, but there's no warnings with `-Wall` even for this more proper program: <code>int main(int argc, char **argv){ if (argc == 0){return 0;} else {std::cout << argc << std::endl; return main(0, argv);}}</code>
Mark Rushakoff
I mean it's odd that `g++` doesn't give any warnings when you call main; you are indeed correct (from what I've seen) that the standard disallows calling `main`.
Mark Rushakoff
@Mark Rushakoff: g++ does give an error if you compile with the `-pedantic` flag, although in my case it gives the somewhat incorrect error of `ISO C++ forbids taking address of function '::main'`
Adam Rosenfield

Infinite recursion:

void infiniteFunction()

int main()
    return 0;
+5  A: 

Here's one that might happen in practice:

int factorial(int x) {
  return x == 0 ? 1 : x * factorial(x-1);

This overflows the stack for negative x. And, as Frank Krueger mentioned, also for too large x (but then int would overflow first).

+2  A: 

As per edit :-)

void ping()

void pong()

Also, I believe you can get stack overflow if you try to allocate more space than maximum thread stack size ( 1MB by default in VS), so something like int a[100000]; should provide the exception.

call them ping and pong lol Nice one
yeah, a humorous name!
+10  A: 

The typical case that does not involve infinite recursion is declaring an automatic variable on the stack that is too large. For example:

int foo()
    int array[1000000];

Tall Jeff
+1  A: 

I can't believe we left off the greatest recursion example of all time, factorial!

#include <stdio.h>

double fact(double n) {
    if (n <= 0) return 1;
    else return n * fact(n - 1);

int main() {
    printf("fact(5) = %g\n", fact(5));
    printf("fact(10) = %g\n", fact(10));
    printf("fact(100) = %g\n", fact(100));
    printf("fact(1000) = %g\n", fact(1000));
    printf("fact(1000000) = %g\n", fact(1000000));

On OS X 10.5.8 with GCC 4.0.1:

$ gcc f.c -o f && ./f
fact(5) = 120
fact(10) = 3.6288e+06
fact(100) = 9.33262e+157
fact(1000) = inf
Segmentation fault

Unfortunately, OS X reports a "Segmentation fault" instead of a "Stack overflow". Too bad.

Frank Krueger

You could also get a stack overflow if you try to put large objects on the stack (by-value).

+1  A: 

If you want to generate an explicitly non-recursive program to result in a stack overflow by function calls:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

print "void func" + sys.argv[1] + "() { }"
for i in xrange(int(sys.argv[1])-1, -1, -1):
    print "void func" + str(i) + "() { func" + str(i+1) + "(); }"
print "int main() { func0(); return 0; }"

Sample output:

$ python 5
void func5() { }
void func4() { func5(); }
void func3() { func4(); }
void func2() { func3(); }
void func1() { func2(); }
void func0() { func1(); }
int main() { func0(); return 0; }

Sample usage:

$ python 250000 | g++ -x c++ - && ./a.out

At least on my system, the call stack seems to be 174602, so you'll need to set the argument to to be larger than that; and it takes a few minutes to compile and link the program.

Mark Rushakoff
+2  A: 

Compile-time example:

template <int N>
struct Factorial {
    enum { value = N * Factorial<N - 1>::value };

// ...
    int overflow = Factorial<10>::value;