I been programming in c++ for over 10 years now, it is my favorite programming language. I'm just a bit concerned that it's popularity is fading away, atleast in windows application development, because of c# and the .net framework. I'm not against c# or .net, I've actually program in those, and I'll admit, some things in c# and .net are easier to do than in c++. BUT, I really want to keep c++ as my primary language that I'm an an "expert" in. I may be weird, but I just find c++ fun to program in.
I been doing some research and finding that most c++ jobs out there are for embedded systems, atleast the ones I found, it may be because I'm looking in Huntsville AL. I'm not really job hunting because I'm very happy with my current job; but I just want to make sure the technology I'm using today is pretty "future proof".
The company I work for, we do document imaging and we have an encryption library. We have written a web server in c++, heck we have alot of libraries we're written over the years in c++. When we need a user interface we usually do it in MFC or make a web interface. We have converted some of our libraries into .net and written some user interfaces in c# using windows forms. All of our core libraries are c++ though.
What fields are you c++ programmers out there working in? Are you planning on staying with c++ are you're primary language of expertise? And you c++ programmers out there who are job searching, what fields are you finding demand for c++ in?
Thanks in advance.