




I have a windows batch file in Windows 7 which does something with find.

it starts with this:

find /i /c....

But it says something like

find /i is no medium

or so. Then it just gives a list of every single file in the C:\ directory.

Is there any new replacement for Windows 7?

EDIT: If i hit find /? in cmd, it gives find: /? there is no such file or directory

+1  A: 

You probably have the posix find command installed on your computer. Type:

where find.exe

To locate it. You probably can change the path environment variable on your system so the system32 directory will be first.

Update: First try to run the command with full path:

c:\windows\system32\find.exe /i "foo"

And see what happens.

Then compare the file to the same file in other windows 7 installation ( I don't have one right now). You can also look at the file property. Is it from microsoft?

Igal Serban
Thanks, but the thing is that it is just installed in the Windows/System32/ directory. What is the problem than? I use the RTM from Technet
It work with the full path, so its ok. If i need to do that i need to do that.

It appeaars from your example your not encasing your search with quotes. Find on it's own or with /? will give you the command line options. Find /i "SearchString" "MyFile" means search Myfile for SearchString but ignore case.
