



Open X code. Go to help menu / or press command + shift + /

Select documentation option.

Now a help window will be opened. In this help window, on the left side there are many options like - iphone os 2.1 subscribe, iphone os 2.2 subscribe, iphone os 3.0 subscribe, xcode reference subscribe ( something look like this )

If we press iphone os 3.0 subscribe - button, entire iphone os 3.0 reference library will be downloaded to the osx - current pc only.

I want to download the same "iPhone os 3.0 subscribe", But the thing is - I am not using mac right now. But I still want to download it. Because mac is at my home & my Home mac - doesn't have internet connection & I would like to use this download on my home mac.

I don't know how it would be possible?

Would you please help me?

Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge.


+1  A: 

I didn't understand very good what you need, but as I think you want to download a entire tree of the web site, for this I suggest you two programs:

Nathan Campos
No, sir - You misunderstood me. Xcode has facility. Let's take an example. Microsoft .net has msdn for download. same way xcode-iphone-os-3.0 download is also available but I don't know from where exactly should I download it?
Sorry, but I'm going to let this answer here to help someone other. Ok?
Nathan Campos
+5  A: 

The feeds that Xcode uses to pull the documentation from online are:

Each feed links to ".xar" files (Extensible Archive), which you can download and expand yourself using the XAR unarchiver. It expands into a .docset bundle, which you can pop open and browse yourself. The main index.html file is at Contents/Resources/Documents/index.html

Dave DeLong
Something Confused. I am right now on windows. I have downloaded the xar unarchiver. But I think it won't work for windows downloading.
@sagar - Not being an expert on Windows, I can't help you with that. Perhaps someone on can help you build and run xar on Windows.
Dave DeLong
Here is the superuser link.