




Hi, I want to know the list of all countries and the encryption standard not allowed for that country.

Example: For some country encryption is not allowed. and for some country encryption level should not be grater than 64 bit.

Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo

+3  A: 

I do not believe such a list exists. You need to research for each country and build such a list on your own. The best way is of course let a lawyer investigate that for you.

Anyway, what do you need it for? If it's a web application that resides on servers in a country X you only need to comply with that country requirements. The fact that people can access your application from anywhere in the world will not be your concern.

Developer Art
IANAL, but if you're providing some encryption service from the USA, for some types of encryption you can't legally provide it to the North Koreans et al.
Leave it to the users, they should know the law where they live -- refer [putty](http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html)

Check with a lawyer (as this data would come from the laws of that specific country, which tend to change); then make a list, e.g.

 <country id="US">
      <bannedcipher type="rot13" />

and keep it up to date (that's the hard part). AFAIK, there's no reliable way to get this list programatically; also, the encryption allowed may vary according to the use (e.g. "In Elbonia, everybody except the military is hereby banned from using XOR").


The resource you are looking for is the Crypto Law Survey.
