+2  A: 

To answer your question (as you put it in the title): Yes, it is. I did it with TextWrangler for a test (moved a widget) and it works like a charm.

I suspect, you also changed something else (encoding, file name) when you were editing the file. You should try it again with a copy of the xib and do a diff between original and result.

I was attempting to use FileMerge to diff two XIB files. Unfortunately, FileMerge doesn't treat them as plain text files, apparently. It interprets the XML and messes them up as a result. Perhaps this should be a separate question, but: is there a way to make FileMerge work properly (i.e. actually do a plain text diff)?
use the os x diff utility
AFAIK, FileMerge IS the os x diff utility. And it doesn't work with xib's.

It is possible. Just the task's complexity is approaching the complexity of writing an web app in assembler.

Joking. It's highly not recommended. I think this Xib is not your and Interface builder is just not allowing you to use it.
