I have created an emacs-23 custom theme using customize-create-theme. It works fine under X (Linux gnome desktop). However, when running under a tty (within gnome-terminal) some of the colors are wrong.
It is not the accuracy of the colors which are a problem (although it would be nice to match them under both situations) but the fact that some are so off as to be unworkable. For example, function names which appear green under X are invisible under the tty, although keywords which appear gold under X also appear gold (or at least some kind of yellow) under the tty.
Perhaps under the tty colors can't be matched exactly and so something similar is being substituted? If so, this doesn't seem to work all the time.
How can I fix this? Is it possible to specify, either in the 'customize' GUI or in the ~/.emacs.d/my-theme.el file, that certain faces only apply to frames displayed on X and others are only for the tty, or something similar?
(I'm interested in getting this, the built-in emacs theming system working rather than using some external color theme system.)