



I have looked at the following software tools:

ANTLR seems the most straight-forward, however its documentation is lacking. Ragel looks possible, too, but I do not see an easy way to convert BNF into its syntax.

What other tools are available that can take BNF input and generate a corresponding, Unicode-friendly, cross-platform, standalone, C++ parser?

Many thanks for all suggestions.

Edit: Changed Objective-C requirement to C++.

+2  A: 

TDParseKit! (Most specifically, this page on Objective-C parser generation with BNF grammars)

Dave DeLong
Conversion from BNF to the format required by a parser generator is generally a trivial task, even by hand.
Peter S. Housel
Fair enough. Peter, I'll give Ragel another look.
Dave Jarvis
Looks OS-specific; the tool should be cross-platform.
Dave Jarvis
+3  A: 

Try boost.spirit 2.

The boost spirit user list is very active and answers are quick from the authors.


Have you looked at QLALR? It is a creative Friday project from QtDF. I have not tried it personally, but the trolls seems to be pragmatic about their approach to problems, so I guess this is too.

Looks like it has a dependency on Qt.
Dave Jarvis