




On September 24, 2009 Sep 24, 2009 wxPerl 0.93 was released to CPAN.

Does anyone know where I can get a current ppm version of wxPerl 0.93 for Active Perl 5.10

The repositories (besides activestate.com) I know and visited are:

edit: I have a previous version of wxPerl installed and working, but would like to move to the latest release, I am coding for mac, linux, win32 and need to be at the same level on each.

+1  A: 

Did you try downloading directly from wxperl.sourceforge.net and installing that.

You may also need to install Alien::wxWidgets and wxMSW form here and of course Wxwidget

No, I didn't try that. Since wxPerl needs to communicate with wxwidgets, I assumed that a XS interface was required. From that I included that a direct install doesn't work. **Are you saying it does work?**
I didn't try it out. I just reposted information I found on how others did get it working. (As you are from swiss the german post might help you http://reneeb-perlblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/schwieriger-start-mit-wxperl-ppm.html)
Thanks for the link. Unfortunately it doesn't help. I have previous versions of wxPerl working, thats how I knew the repositories, but cannot find a ppm (special format wrapper for ActiveState's perl) of the latest wxPerl release on any of them. I guess a move to strawberry isn't too far in the future. Active perl is just too much grief!

Currently there is no valid ppm for the latest WxPerl release.

This could either indicate WxPerl is no longer used/needed or that most developers have switched to Strawberry Perl and it's embedded c-compiler.

I will update/delete this answer as soon as I find a valid ppm .. and will go and try strawberry on my test machine.
