
How do I set a minimum window size in wxWidgets?

This is the hierarchy of widgets I've got: Frame > wxBoxSizer > wxPanel > wxBoxSizer > wxFlexGridSizer (2 columns, 9 rows), with assorted form fields and buttons inside. The first BoxSizer is to place the panel in, and the second is to make a border around the FlexGrid. Everything looks nice, and the frame can expand properly if the w...

How can my WxPerl application ignore keypresses while a method runs?

I have an application that waits for the user to press a key and then executes a long running method that periodically updates the GUI. sub keypress{ my $self = shift; my $event = shift; if ($event->GetKeyCode() == WXK_F12){ $self->doStuff(); }else{ $event -> Skip(0); } } I would like to have the application ignore...

How do I make wxPerl work in Perl 5.10 on Windows?

Though I've tried several ways, I'm unable to make WxPerl to work on Windows. I tried with both ActivePerl and Strawberry Perl. The error I get is: Can't load 'C:/Perl/site/lib/auto/Wx/Wx.dll' for module Wx: load_file:Invalid access to memory location at C:/Perl/lib/DynaLoader.pm line 202. ...

Where can I find a current wxPerl PPM?

On September 24, 2009 Sep 24, 2009 wxPerl 0.93 was released to CPAN. Does anyone know where I can get a current ppm version of wxPerl 0.93 for Active Perl 5.10 The repositories (besides activestate.com) I know and visited are: wxperl.co.uk (last version Feb 2009) trouchelle.com (shows a fail status for Wx .93) cpan.uwinnipeg.ca (W...

Are there Perl GUI builders, especially for WxPerl?

Are there good GUI builder for Perl GUI libraries, especially for WxPerl? ...

Why doesn't wxPerl draw my wxStaticBitmap when I run the program from a Windows shortcut?

I've made a wxPerl application which presents just a simple frame which only contains a wxMenuBar, wxPanel, wxTextCtrl and a wxStaticBitmap. The development and deployment platform is Windows XP and beyond. The image is added to the form like this: my $logoData = Wx::Bitmap->new(App::Resource::Images::getLogoPath(), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);...

Why doesn't my wxPerl application for Windows start?

Hi, I've developed an application with Strawberry Perl using wxPerl. The application is compiled using: wxpar -f Crypto -F Crypto -M Filter::Crypto::Decrypt --compress=9 --gui --icon=icon.ico --lib=./lib --module=App::Order --module=Wx --module=App::GUI::Main --module=App::GUI::Frame --module=App::GUI::Forms::Settings --mod...

Can a subclass of wx::StaticBoxSizer handle events?

I'm trying to add an event-handler to a subclass of Wx::StaticBoxSizer, but I'm getting the following error: Can't locate object method "Connect" via package "Wx::StaticBoxSizer" at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Wx/Event.pm line 38. Does that mean that Wx::StaticBoxSizer can't handle events? If so, is there another way to structure ...

Why does `print` not work in this wxPerl program?

In my frame constructor I have a function that easily makes a menu bar for me. package Routines; #This function will set up a menu #REQUIRED: entries #RETURNS: id, menu sub SetupMenu { $menuItemCount = 0; #Element number under the same menu $subMenuCount = 0; #Number of menus $mbar ...