
wxpython: Updating a dict or other appropriate data type from wx.lib.sheet.CSheet object

If I have a notebook with three spreadsheet widgets, what is the best way to have changes to the spreadsheet update a dictionary (or maybe an sqlite file?). Do all wx grid objects come with a built in dictionary related to the SetNumberRows and SetNumberCols? Basically I am looking for guidance on how to work with the user-input data f...

How do I set a minimum window size in wxWidgets?

This is the hierarchy of widgets I've got: Frame > wxBoxSizer > wxPanel > wxBoxSizer > wxFlexGridSizer (2 columns, 9 rows), with assorted form fields and buttons inside. The first BoxSizer is to place the panel in, and the second is to make a border around the FlexGrid. Everything looks nice, and the frame can expand properly if the w...

Wxpython: Positioning a menu under a toolbar button

I have a CheckLabelTool in a wx.ToolBar and I want a menu to popup directly beneath it on mouse click. I'm trying to get the location of the tool so I can set the position of the menu, but everything I've tried (GetEventObject, GetPosition, etc) gives me the position of the toolbar, so consequently the menu pops under the toolbar, but v...

Non-editable text box in wxPython

How to create a non-editable text box with no cursor in wxPython to dump text in? ...

What resources exist for WxRuby: documentation, tutorials, samples?

I found the RubyForge documentation, which is a little tricky to navigate. There's a basic tutorial on the Ruby On Windows blog. But I've already moved on from that. What other WxRuby resources have you found useful? Or, if not WxRuby specifically, what Wx resources have you found useful from a Ruby perspective? ...

Is there any Visual Studio-like tool for creating GUIs for Python?

My girlfriend asked me if there was a tool (actually, an IDE) that would let her create her GUI visually and edit functions associated with GUI-related events with little effort. For example, she wants to double-click a button she just created and immediately see (and edit) the code associated with that button's on-click event. I believ...

Why doesn't wxPerl draw my wxStaticBitmap when I run the program from a Windows shortcut?

I've made a wxPerl application which presents just a simple frame which only contains a wxMenuBar, wxPanel, wxTextCtrl and a wxStaticBitmap. The development and deployment platform is Windows XP and beyond. The image is added to the form like this: my $logoData = Wx::Bitmap->new(App::Resource::Images::getLogoPath(), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);...

wx 'easy gui' library; how do I keep this code from crashing IDLE & Other python IDEs?

When I run this code in IDLE, it crashes. However, if I run it outside of IDLE it works just fine. There are a couple of Python IDEs that are written in python that suffer the same problem, but if I use an IDE/editor that's not based on it, those run fine as well. Is there any way of modifying this code so it doesn't muck up IDLE & Fr...

Can't get wx.BufferedDC to draw anything.

I've got a problem with DCs. I'm trying to make an application that will draw many lines on the screens and needs to update really fast, and since I don't want flickering, I decided to give buffered dcs a shot. But when I run this code, it doesn't draw anything. What am I doing wrong? import wx class MainFrame(wx.Frame): def __init...

Drawing anti-aliased lines in wx?

I've got a program that draws my mouse movements on a window. The only problem is the line is very rough, and i would like it (not where two different lines link, but the actual line) to be anti-aliased and to fall-off nicely. Is there a way to do that? ...

Saving an image of what a dc drew, wxPython.

I need to be able to save an image (format doesn't matter) of the state of the dc canvas. I tried dc.GetAsBitmap but it returns invalid bitmaps. How can I do it? ...

problem with editing labels in wx list control

hello do you guys have any idea how to edit the the labels in the second column in a wx.ListCtrl here is the code that i used to create that list .. Note that the first column is the only editable one . how can i make the other one editable too? self.lCUsers=wx.ListCtrl(self,style=wx.LC_EDIT_LABELS | wx.LC_REPORT |wx.LC_VRULES | wx....

how to embed a webpage using wx?

I need to show a webpage (a complex page with script and stuff, no static html) in a frame or something. It's for a desktop application, I'm using python 2.6 + wxPython I need to catch some events too (mostly about changing page). I've found some samples using the webview module in a gtk application, but I couldn't have it work...

Is there a way to change lookandfeel for wx Python?

Hi, i was curious if there is some sort of way to change the look and feel of wxpython to something that is more standardized. I am writing a small application for windows and mac os x. And i noticed that Mac formats the layout and look of my application pretty terribly. I looked around online and could not find anything. Any ideas? ...

sizer.replace() paints "over" old sizercontent

hi. I am rather new to wx/python so please excuse if this is stupid or ill described. I am substituting a nested sizer with a new one as shown in the snippet below. after some tinkering everything seems to work out but the re-drawing of the parent-sizer. the content of the old nested sizer remains and gets "painted" over with the new si...

GUI wxHaskell database table in grid

Hello, I'm writing GUI app in haskell. I use sqlite to gather data and want to use grid in wxHASKELL TO present data in app. Everything is all right but I want to have possibility to add rows from haskell app. I achieved that but when I refresh it It expands and covers other controls. To make things short how can I set maximum size of...

How to make floating frames with wx.aui.AuiManager be proper windows

Hello all I'm using wxPython. I'm trying to figure out how I can change the behavior of the wx.aui.AuiManager so that when a window is dragged to become floating, it will become a proper window with Minimize and Maximize buttons and shown in the Taskbar. Apparently there is some subclassing done of the standard window to remove those...

wxPython TreeCtrl without showing root while still showing arrows

I am making a python tree visualizer using wxPython. It would be used like so: show_tree([ 'A node with no children', ('A node with children', 'A child node', ('A child node with children', 'Another child')) ]) It worked fine but it shows a root with a value of "Tree". I made it so that it would create multiple roots but then learned ...

How do i make my web browser made in wx.python to parse pages(ex.Google.ro)

Can somebody help me? please i really need to parse at least google. i need to parse url page. i've made a web browser and this web browser doesn't parse pages. It's made in wxpython. ...

wx_ref and custom wx_object's

Hi! I am developing MDI application with help of wxErlang. I have a parent frame, implemented as wx_object: -module(main_frame). -export([new/0, init/1, handle_call/3, handle_event/2, terminate/2]). -behaviour(wx_object). .... And I have a child frame, implemented as wx_object too: module(child_frame). -export([new/2, init/1, hand...