
Win32 TreeCtrl TVN_ENDLABELEDIT memory allocation

I have a Win32 TreeCtrl where the user can rename the tree labels. I process the TVN_ENDLABELEDIT message to do this. In certain cases I need to change the text that the user entered. Basically the user can enter a short name during edit and I want to replace it with a longer text. To do this I change the pszText member of the TVITEM s...

How can I auto-scroll a wxTreeControl widget while dragging with the mouse?

I have a wxTreeCtrl widget with scroll bars, where I want to drag and drop items on other items. But when I drag an item, how can I make the control automatically scroll invisible items into view? ...

Axapta: Update FormTreeControl after image change

In my other methods (data, text, etc.) the setItem method works fine to display changes made to a tree item. However, calling setItem after changing an item's icon doesn't seem to have any effect. What is the best way to update the tree item so the new icon appears? Thanks public void modified() { FormTreeItem workingItem; ; ...

MFC CTreeCtrl max visible item text length

Hello I have an application that outputs large amounts of text data to an MFC tree control. When I call SetItemText() with a long string (larger then 1000+ char) only the first ~250 chars are displayed in the control. But when I call GetItemText() on the item the entire string is returned (1000+ chars) My questions are; Is there a...

wxPython TreeCtrl without showing root while still showing arrows

I am making a python tree visualizer using wxPython. It would be used like so: show_tree([ 'A node with no children', ('A node with children', 'A child node', ('A child node with children', 'Another child')) ]) It worked fine but it shows a root with a value of "Tree". I made it so that it would create multiple roots but then learned ...

wxPython: VirtualTreeListCtrl with millions of items

I would like to add 1,000,000+ entries to the root node of a TreeListCtrl. Therefore I would like to make it "virtual", i.e. work just like a virtual ListCtrl so that it's still fast and I can easily scroll around due to the currently-displayed items being loaded on-demand. But I can't use a virtual ListCtrl because I also want to be abl...

item size not adjusted after font change in CTreeCtrl

Hi, I change the font of tree items in CTreeCtrl with the following code: void CTreeCtrlEx::OnNMCustomdraw(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { LPNMTVCUSTOMDRAW pNMCD = reinterpret_cast<LPNMTVCUSTOMDRAW>(pNMHDR); *pResult = 0; switch(pNMCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage) { case CDDS_PREPAINT: *pResult = CDRF_NOTIF...

Is tree a tree control for the iphone?

Hello, Is there a Tree control available for the iphone? I need to represent a tree with sub nodes in a tree, how can I do it? Thanks ...

reliable HTML/Ajax control to manipulate tree structures?

Can someone recommend a reliable HTML tree control that also supports tree manipulation? I need it for a backend and want to move, reorder, delete, add and rename nodes. Right now i use a nested set model in my database to store the tree structure, and dhtmlxTree (see as tree control. The problem i'm having is that this co...