I am trying to invoke an ANT target from Windows (right-click) file context menu.
I have setup the registry entries to invoke a batch script which invokes my ANT EXEC target.
I need to pass the path of the file (on which user right-clicked) to my ANT target. So I am using %~dp1 to set an ANT properties in my bat script:
Set tobeusedfilepath=%~dp1
Set tobeusedfile=%~n1
resulting in:
tobeusedfilepath=D:\Project\Rel L\
The problem is %~dp1 returns a string with "\" as file separator. But ANT EXEC task wants "/"
[exec] '-source'
[exec] 'D:ProjectRel L/file'
[exec] ......
[exec] The file, 'D:ProjectRel L/file', does not exist.
Any suggestions how to get around this path separators?