I've done similar things by writing my own authentication backend and putting it in the authenticate() method. The code is public and up here. I also included a pluggable system of "mappers" to do most of the work that isn't just authenticating the user (eg, getting fullname from ldap, automatically creating groups based on "affiliations" that our auth service gives us, and mapping certain users and affiliations into staff/superuser roles automatically).
Basically, the authenticate method looks like:
def authenticate(self, ticket=None):
if ticket is None:
return None
# "wind" is our local auth service
(response,username,groups) = validate_wind_ticket(ticket)
if response is True:
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
except User.DoesNotExist:
user = User(username=username, password='wind user')
# give plugins a chance to pull up more info on the user
for handler in self.get_profile_handlers():
# give plugins a chance to map affiliations to groups
for handler in self.get_mappers():
return user
# i don't know how to actually get this error message
# to bubble back up to the user. must dig into
# django auth deeper.
return None
So I pretty much agree with you that authentication should be just a yes/no affair and other stuff should happen elsewhere, but I think with the way Django sets things up, the path of least resistance is to put it in with authentication. I do recommend making your own authentication code delegate that stuff to plugins though since that's within your control.
I'm only fetching the LDAP data on their very first login though (when the auth_user row gets added). Anytime they login after that, it just uses what it already has locally. That means that if their LDAP info changes, it won't automatically propagate down to my apps. That's a tradeoff I'm willing to make for simplicity.
I'm not sure why you're running into problems with the first login though; I'm taking a very similar approach and haven't run into that. Maybe because the login process on my apps always involves redirecting them to another page immediately after authentication, so the dummy request.user never gets touched?