Any Suggestions Would be very helpful!
I need a little help getting a php client to connect to a .net WCF webservice and return a usercontext.
I can get it to work in .net but not php.
You have to sign in first which returns a usercontext that you pass to the other methods.
Developer Help: The UserContext property gets or sets the DCUserContext. Once SignIn is successful, a UserContext is assigned and every call made will need this UserContext.
the webservice wisdl is
I included the php code I am trying to use to return the usercontext that returns an erro and I included a sample of the code that does work.
:Testing PHP Code returns error
$client = new SoapClient('');
echo '<pre>'; var_dump($client->__getFunctions()); echo '</pre><br /><br /><br />';
array('request' =>
'UserName' => 'username',
'ClientPassword' => 'password',
'AccountNum' => 'accountnum',
'NSPPassword' => 'password',
'Language' => '1',
'Market' => '1'
catch (Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
array(12) {
string(41) "SignInResponse SignIn(SignIn $parameters)"
string(65) "GetProductInfoResponse GetProductInfo(GetProductInfo $parameters)"
string(95) "GetProductsByFirstLetterResponse GetProductsByFirstLetter(GetProductsByFirstLetter $parameters)"
string(77) "GetProductSpecialsResponse GetProductSpecials(GetProductSpecials $parameters)"
string(41) "SignUpResponse SignUp(SignUp $parameters)"
string(53) "PlaceOrderResponse PlaceOrder(PlaceOrder $parameters)"
string(83) "GetGroupDownlineTreeResponse GetGroupDownlineTree(GetGroupDownlineTree $parameters)"
string(68) "GetOrderHistoryResponse GetOrderHistory(GetOrderHistory $parameters)"
string(47) "GetTotalResponse GetTotal(GetTotal $parameters)"
string(47) "GetTaxesResponse GetTaxes(GetTaxes $parameters)"
string(56) "GetShippingResponse GetShipping(GetShipping $parameters)"
string(113) "GetTrackingNumberByOrderNumberResponse GetTrackingNumberByOrderNumber(GetTrackingNumberByOrderNumber $parameters)"
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
VB .net Code that works:
Imports nsgatewayvb.eCommerce
' extablish a procy to call the web service
Dim proxy As New IeCommerceClient()
' Sign into the service. All calls require a signin. The UserContext from the signin
' is then passed to each subsequent call. The UserContext remains valid for 1 hour.
Dim s As DCSignIn = Helper.Signin(proxy, "username", "userpassword", "accountnum", "accountpassword")
If s Is Nothing Then
' couldn't log in
Console.WriteLine("Unable to sign in to eCommerce system")
Exit Sub
End If
If s.[Error] IsNot Nothing AndAlso s.[Error].ErrorNumber <> 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("Error {0} : '{1}' during signup", s.[Error].ErrorNumber, s.[Error].Description)
Exit Sub
End If
' get product information
Helper.GetProductInfo(proxy, s.UserContext)