




For an invoicing app I'm working on my PHB has decided that the parts sold listed on the invoice need to go in a very unique order. I would like to accomplish this with a single sql statement if possible.

Essentially the order needs to be as such

  1. The most expensive part (but only if there is another part listed at $0)
  2. All parts listed at $0
  3. All other parts (or all parts) listed by order of part_id
  4. All parts with a part_id of ("MISC-30","MISC-31","TEMP")
  5. All parts with a negative qty [returns]

There is also a jumble of comments that will need to be added but That will have to be handled by the code

So far I have:

FROM order_part 
WHERE ordid = 1234 
ORDER BY qty > 0, part_id NOT IN("MISC-30","MISC-31","TEMP"), part_id

However I cannot figure out how to incorporate the first 2 rules

+1  A: 

If it's not possible to do this with one select statement, I would write 5 queries that each get the parts of this end query you need with no intersections. Then add a SortBy integer value to each query and union them together (sorting by the SortBy value).

I've done this in SQL Server and I'm guessing this is possible in Access...

Austin Salonen
+1 for 5 queries. I like the Keep-It-Simple :D approach.
Raj More
+1  A: 

Even if this is possible with a single query, I think you owe it to yourself and future developers to make individual queries and join the results together some other way.

The only exception to this is if performance is 100% completely critical and you need to save every microsecond.

But as a developer and manager I'd rather see maintainable code that a junior team member can figure out than some uber-messy SQL statement.

WEll i'm the only developer and trust me its already a mess with the commenting rules. but anyway we need to print out about 500 of these at a time. the most i can do in the sql the better. I might end up doing it using a sub query but i dont know yet
Mike Valstar
Also I DO have an 18 page document describing how the orders need to be formatted including the order of the items and what comments need to accompany them
Mike Valstar
UNION ALL will be pretty fast, though, of course, sorting on the result won't use the underlying indexes.
+2  A: 

Perhaps you mean you want to have a single recordset i.e. output from your SQL that can be processed by your invoicing App?

Have you thought of the folling -- Its not pretty but it might work.

Select * From
    Select 1 as MyOrder .... rest of criteria 1
    Select 2 as MyOrder .... rest of criteria 2
    Select 3 as MyOrder .... rest of criteria 3
    Select 4 as MyOrder .... rest of criteria 4
    Select 5 as MyOrder .... rest of criteria 5
Order by MyOrder
That could work but how do i get it to determine if there is any parts listed at $0
Mike Valstar
What is $0? -- Is this unit price of the part?
Query #1 would have #2 as part of its where clause.
Jeff O

My advice: have the guy that makes you waste your precious time doing such dummy things fired! He must be a slave driver or something? If you can't have him fired, leave the company.

Philippe Grondier
+1 While the OP has no power to fire his boss, the principle is correct -- the PHB should pay for this kind of stupidity in terms of a reprimand from his superior, whoever that is. Dunno how a lowly programmer conveys the information to someone he doesn't report to, but that's what would happen in an ideal world.
+3  A: 

Since you've had to give up being messing long ago on this project ;)

Select * 
    , IIF(((Select Count(*) from order_part 
        where orderid = 1234 and price = 0))=0 
           and price = ((select max(price) from       
               order_part where orderid = 1234
           and qty >0 and part_id not in(("MISC-30","MISC-31","TEMP") 
          )), 1
    , IIf(price = 0, 2
    , IIf(part_id IN("MISC-30","MISC-31","TEMP"), 4
    , IIf(qty < 0, 5
    , 3)))) AS Part_Sort
from order_part
Order By Part Sort, part_id

Really wish Access had case statement. But you can build these nested IIf's and provide a sorting number based on your logic. The final "ELSE" part is the #3 since just sorting by the part ID is the third choice/ doesn't fall under these other categories. Sorry, I know the parenthesis are wrong.

Jeff O
Looks like a slight variation of this is going to work. thanks.
Mike Valstar