Answering my own question after a few hours of hacking...
<script language="groovy" src="build.groovy" />
and this groovy script replaces any referenced javascript or css file with the file contents itself.
f = new File("${targetDir}/index.cfm")
fContent = f.text
fContent = jsReplace(fContent)
fContent = cssReplace(fContent)
// JS Replacement
def jsReplace(htmlFileText) {
println "Groovy: Replacing Javascript includes"
// extract all matched javascript src links
def jsRegex = /<script [^>]*src=\"([^\"]+)\"><\/script>/
def matcher = (htmlFileText =~ jsRegex)
for (i in matcher) {
// read external files in
def includeText = new File(
// sanitize the string for being regex replace string (dollar signs like jQuery/Prototype will screw it up)
includeText = java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement(includeText)
// weak compression (might as well)
includeText = includeText.replaceAll(/\/\/.*/, "") // remove single-line comments (like this!)
includeText = includeText.replaceAll(/[\n\r\f\s]+/, " ") // replace all whitespace with single space
// return content with embedded file
htmlFileText = htmlFileText.replaceFirst('<script [^>]*src="'+ +'"[^>]*></script>', '<script type="text/javascript">'+ includeText+'</script>');
return htmlFileText;
// CSS Replacement
def cssReplace(htmlFileText) {
println "Groovy: Replacing CSS includes"
// extract all matched CSS style href links
def cssRegex = /<link [^>]*href=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>(<\/link>)?/
def matcher = (htmlFileText =~ cssRegex)
for (i in matcher) {
// read external files in
def includeText = new File(
// compress CSS
includeText = includeText.replaceAll(/[\n\r\t\f\s]+/, " ")
// sanitize the string for being regex replace string (dollar signs like jQuery/Prototype will screw it up)
includeText = java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement(includeText)
// return content with embedded file
htmlFileText = htmlFileText.replaceFirst('<link [^>]*href="'+ +'"[^>]*>(<\\/link>)?', '<style type=\"text/css\">'+ includeText+'</style>');
return htmlFileText;
So I guess that does it for me. It's been working pretty well, and it's extensible. Definitely not the best Groovy ever, but it's one of my first. Also, it required a few classpathed jars for it to compile. I lost track of which, but I believe it is the javax.scripting engine, groovy-engine.jar and groovy-all-1.5.6.jar