



I'm using TortoiseGit on Windows XP.

My team all use a central svn server as our central "canonical" code repository. It's all run on a windows network.

I work locally with git, then use git-svn dcommit to commit regularly to the svn server.

Our network enforces a regular password change - which changes my password for the svn server as well. Now I can't dcommit any more, as Tortoise is attempting to use my old password - I've googled, and I've hunted thru menus and docs - but I can't figure out where to change the password that Git uses to connect to SVN. Anyone help?

+3  A: 

git-svn uses Subversion’s perl modules which in turn uses “normal” Subversion authentication. That means that your authentication data is stored somewhere in $HOME/.subversion, e.g. in one of the files in $HOME/.subversion/svn.simple/ when you are using a simple username-password combination to authenticate.

Thanks Bombe - exactly what I needed. I was a bit disturbed to see the password stored in plain text though!For anyone else reading this and using the same combo of Windows XP and TortoiseGit, it's in:C:\Documents and Settings\WINDOWSUSERNAME\.subversion\auth\svn.simple