I have a structure of simple container classes like so (in pseudo ruby):
class A
attr_reader :string_field1, :string_field2
class B
attr_reader: int_field3, :string_field4
# C includes an instance of A and B
class C
attr_reader: :a_instance, :b_instance
Is there are simple way to de/serialize this to JSON in Ruby? Or should I make nested serialization methods per class as in this example?
In my specific scenario, I want to POST some JSON data to a server running Ruby, which will extract the data and act accordingly.
The sender of the JSON is not necessarily a Ruby process, but may be the back end of some other system. (Although it is Ruby in my test harness).
So, I don't need the JSON to be in some "Ruby specific" format, I just assumed it would be easier if that was actually built-in to Ruby.