
Cyrillic characters in PHP's json_encode

I'm trying to encode Cyrillic UTF-8 array to JSON string using php's function json_encode. The sample code looks like this: <?php $arr = array( 'едно' => 'първи', 'две' => 'втори' ); $str = json_encode($arr); echo $str; ?> It works fine but the result of the script is represented as:...

PHP-Json Problem

Hi there.. I have to similar Json files... I can json_decode read one of them... but I can't other one... I've uploaded files to http://www.huzursuz.com/json/json_test.rar if would you like to see, "brother_a.php" is working, "brother.php" is not... I don't think this is json_decode nested limit, because files are so similar... Tha...

encode array to JSON in PHP to get [elm1,elm2,elm3] instead of {elm1:{},elm2:{},elm3:{}}

I am trying to json_encode an array, which is what returns from a Zend_DB query. var_dump gives: (Manually adding 0 member does not change the picture). array(3) { [1]=> array(3) { ["comment_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["erasable"]=> string(1) "1" ["comment"]=> string(6) "test 1" } [2]=> array(3) { ["comme...

PHP's json_encode does not escape all JSON control characters.

Is there any reasons why PHP's json_encode function does not escape all JSON control characters in a string? For example let's take a string which spans two rows and has control characters (\r \n " / \) in it: <?php $s = <<<END First row. Second row w/ "double quotes" and backslash: \. END; $s = json_encode($s); echo $s; // Will outpu...

jquery decode json object with double quoted keys

I have a script that outputs a json string via json_encode in PHP. The json string consists of [{"custId":"2","custName":"John Inc"}] The PHP script is initiated using $.getJSON("customer.php", function(data){alert(data + ' ' + data.custName);}); The response is - [object Object] undefined Javascript recognises 'data' as an...

Howto parse json with smarty?

Hi, In Smarty, is there a standard function or an easy way to parse json from an array, as json_encode() does in php? Actually It seems there is not in smarty documentation but wanted to ask anyways. Thanks, Sinan. ...

PHP json_encode encoding numbers as strings

I am having one problem with the PHP json_encode function. It encodes numbers as strings (e.g. array('id' => 3 becomes "{ ["id": "3", ...) When js encounters these values, it interprets them as strings and numeric operations fail on them. Does anyone know some way to prevent json_encode from encoding numbers as strings? Thank you! ...

json_encode and nested objects

I have nested PHP objects that I would like to save in memcache. Can I use json_encode(), json_decode() to store/retrieve the data from memcache? Implicit in the question is whether the json_encode() function is "clever" enough to introspect my objects without me having to explicitly define the structure. if json_encode() is not the wa...

How do I convert a JSON object to an array for use in jQuery?

I'm building a price estimator form, which uses jQuery to manipulate select menus. Basically, when a new quantity is chosen, the value of each option in every select menu is multiplied by a per-unit price, and a new price is shown to the user. What I'm trying to do is pull the per-unit prices from a PHP file, which stores these prices i...

Question about json_encode and two dimensional array

Hello everyone, I have a problem when i use json and array. And i need your help. Here is my code: while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ echo json_encode($row); } The result is: {"id":"1","title":"event1","start":"2009-11-10 14:18:15","end":"2009-11-03 14:38:22","allDay":"false","url":null}{"id":"2","title":"event2","start":"20...

How to do Ruby object serialization using JSON

I have a structure of simple container classes like so (in pseudo ruby): class A attr_reader :string_field1, :string_field2 ... end class B attr_reader: int_field3, :string_field4 ... end # C includes an instance of A and B class C attr_reader: :a_instance, :b_instance ... end Is there are simple way to de/serialize this...

PHP json_encode and javascript functions

I need to encode a javascript function into a JSON object in PHP. This: $function = "function(){}"; $message = "Hello"; $json = array( 'message' => $message, 'func' => $function ); echo json_encode($json); outputs: {"message":"Hello","func":"function(){}"} What I want is: {"message":"Hello","func":function(){}} ...

JSON_ENCODE in PHP Returns Chinese Characters as Hex

I've got a simple PHP one-dimension array. When I do a var dump (echo var_dump($a)), I get this as the output: array(3) { [0]=> string(3) "尽" [1]=> string(21) "exhausted||to exhaust" [2]=> string(4) "jin3" } However, when I JSON_ENCODE it (echo json_encode($a)) I get this: ["\u5c3d","exhausted||to exhaust","jin3"] The hex value tha...

json_encode url fail

Has anyone way around this bug? echo json_encode(array('url'=>'/foo/bar')); {"url":"\/foo\/bar"} I use Zend_Json and Zend_Json_Expr so I can get even callback functions inside my js object -- but I can't get a url to come out in a usable format! echo Zend_Json::encode(array( 'url'=>new Zend_Json_Expr('/foo/ba...

In PHP, why is json_encode way slower than serialize?

I don't get it, the data produced by json_encode is much more straightforward than serialize and yet both the JSON encode and decode functions are much more slower than the serialize and unserialize counterparts. Why? ...

json_encode is returning null?

For some reason the item "description" returns null with the following code: <?php include('db.php'); $result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `staff` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 2') or die(mysql_error()); $rows = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $rows[] = $row; } echo json_encode($rows); ?> Here is the schema for my ...

Should I use an XMLHttpRequest /JSON or an iFrame?

I have been making extensive use of XMLHttpRequests and JSON to fetch from a MySQL database and return records as arrays. It works perfectly. Additionally, I have three cases in which I have the server (via PHP) formatting the data as a web page and creating bar charts (as opposed to sending arrays back to JavaScript for processing). Cu...

A problem with passing Japanese characters(UTF-8) via json_encode

Hi, I'm having a trouble transferring Japanese characters from PHP to JavaScript via json_encode. Here is the raw data read from csv file. PRODUCT1,QA,テスト PRODUCT2,QA,aテスト PRODUCT3,QA,1テスト The problem is that when passing those data by echo json_encode($return_value), where $return_value is a 2-dimentional array containing above dat...

JSON and whitespaces in identifiers

Question: The JavaScript code below: records is JSON serialized data. I can access it right away from JavaScript by using for example alert(records.data[0].Phone); The problem now is that some bright spark used a whitespace in FirstName and LastName, which means I would have to access it like alert(records.data[0].Last Name); Which...

Unable to decode JSON stripslashed String?

Does anyone know why this happens? var_dump(json_decode(stripslashes(json_encode(array("O'Reiley"))))); // array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "O'Reiley" } var_dump(json_decode(stripslashes(json_encode(array("O\'Reiley"))))); // NULL Are ' used at all by the JSON functions? ...