
Associative arrays in javascript to JSON

I am using array as an associative array of objects in which keys are ID number of objects in database. Quiet naturally- IDs are large numbers - so that means it is common to have array of length 10^4 with only 20 elements as valid real objects. I want to send this data back to server but whatever plugins I had to convert js objects to...

PHP array to JS array with jQuery and json_encode

I just want to get my PHP array to a JS array, what am I doing wrong here? PHP: // get all the usernames $login_arr = array(); $sql = "SELECT agent_login FROM agents"; $result = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { array_push($login_arr, $row["agent_login"]); } $js_login_arr = json_encode($log...

accessing json data

hi there, I am using this array( as an example) http://pastebin.com/M0ZJgAVs i am using json_encode() on it and fetching it using javascript does anyone care to tell me to get the num rows would i simply use var numrows = json['numrows']; and to loop over each row would i use for(row in json['rows']) { } and then inside tha...

Json_encode, json_decode and UTF8

All, I make a JSON request to a web server using PHP and it returns me a JSON response in a variable. The JSON response will have lots of keys and values. The JSON response I get from the server has special characters in it. So, I use the following statement to convert it to UTF8,decode the JSON and use it as an array to display to the ...

JSON_encode adding too much stuff! How do I filter it all out?

I'm calling in values using PHP to cURL a site's API. I'm able to pull the data in and put into an array just fine, but when using JSON, one of the attributes ($title) comes back with too much data. For example, if I just do echo $new_array[27]['title']; -> I get "Event Name" but if I do echo json_encode($new_array[27]['title']); ...

echo json_encode with 2 variables with jquery form plugin

code inside php file: $variable1 = array( 'variable1' => "$variable1" ); $variable2 = array( 'variable2' => "$variable2" ); echo json_encode ($variable1); code inside main page: <span id="variable1"></span> <span id="variable2"></span> I am trying to make it so it echos both variables in their spans. doing 2 echos...

Django json dumps help

Hello, I have the following code that I need help encoding to JSON and appending the data to a file, foo.json Here is my code: user = request.user print 'USER ID ', user.id // 83 sour = json.dumps({"toast" : [{"uid" : user.id }]}) print 'Sour Toast: ', sour.toast # I'm getting this error: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute ...

When to use PHP's json_encode function's second param ( the bitmasks )

Hi PHP's json_encode function as a second optional param ( bitmasks ). Can someone explain to me what they're for and when I should use them and why? Thanks ...

Help using json_encode to produce specific format

Hello, i want to use php's json_encode function to take data and produce the following format, but am struggling with it. Can anyone advise if this can be done via json_encode()? Thanks for any help! data: [{ x: 3, y: 0 }, { x: 10, y: 0 }] ...

PHP: How will array depth influence performance?

Now I know there is some related questions on this topic but this is somewhat unique. I have two array structures : array( [0] => array( 'stat1' => 50, 'stat2' => 12, 'stat3' => 0, 'country_name' => 'United States' ), [1] => array( 'stat1' => 40, 'stat2' => 38, 'st...

Perform a Get Request, and reading JSON request

Hey, I need to perform a Get request to a URL that will take 2 parameters, which will return to me a JSON response based on those parameters. The response will look like this {"status":"OK","url":"http://www.link.com","name":"Rathfarnham"} Im Using ASP.NET 2, and wondering how to best 1) Perform the GET Request to the URL 2) Read th...

PHP Json_Encode strange characters?

I am using JSON_ENCODE in PHP to output data. When it gets to this word: Æther it outputs \u00c6ther. Anyone know of a way to make json output that character or am I going to have to change the text to not have that character in it? ...

problem passing Japanese characters(UTF-8) via json_encode

Having problems returning a list of Japanese terms from an MSSql database as JSON. If I return them as a bunch of list items all is ok, but I can not seem to get json encode to work for me. Any pointers much appreciated. $prefs = array(); while($row = mssql_fetch_array($result)) { $prefs[] = mb_convert_encoding($row["Pref"] , "UTF-8", ...

Serializing Entity Framework problems

Like several other people, I'm having problems serializing Entity Framework objects, so that I can send the data over AJAX in a JSON format. I've got the following server-side method, which I'm attempting to call using AJAX through jQuery [WebMethod] public static IEnumerable<Message> GetAllMessages(int officerId) { SIBSv2Enti...