I make a JSON request to a web server using PHP and it returns me a JSON response in a variable. The JSON response will have lots of keys and values. The JSON response I get from the server has special characters in it. So, I use the following statement to convert it to UTF8,decode the JSON and use it as an array to display to the UI.
$response = json_decode(utf8_encode($jsonresponse));
Now, I have to pass the same value to the server in a JSON request to do some stuff. However, when I pass
$jsonrequest = json_encode(utf8_encode($request));
to the server, it fails.
The following code succeeds in reading special characters and displaying it to the UI. But fails if I have to pass the utf8_encode value to the server.
The current whole roundtrip code is as under:
$requestdata = json_encode($request);
$jsonresponse = //Do something to get from server;
$response = json_decode(utf8_encode($jsonresponse));
How can I modify it such that I pass the exact value as to what I receieved from the json response from the server?