I've built an installer for my application by hand (don't ask why). And I set up the registry keys for its entry in the add/remove control panel under "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall". And it works fine. I need it to be under HKCU so my installer will run on Vista without asking to be elevated.
The issue I have is that if a user installs using a domain account with a roaming profile, and then goes to a different machine, there's an entry for my software in the add/remove control panel with no information in it. I don't want it to appear there for roaming users, my app does not get installed in such a way that it will work in that circumstance anyway. Is there anyway I can setup that entry so my app won't appear in the add/remove? Or have I doomed myself to it by making the entry under HKCU? Thanks!