


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::setprecision;
using std::fixed;

//function prototypes     
void getInput(string &, double);
void calcFedTaxes(double , double, double &, double &);
void calcnetPay(double &,  double , double, double);
void displayInfo(string, double, double, double);

int main()
    //declare constants and variables
    const double FWT_RATE  = .2;
    const double FICA_RATE = .08;
    string dname    = "";
    double dsalary  = 0.0;
    double dfwtTax  = 0.0; 
    double dficaTax = 0.0;
    double dnetPay  = 0.0;

    //display output in fixed-point notation with two decimal places
    cout << fixed << setprecision(2);

    //call function to get input and calculate salary and taxes 
    void getInput(string dname, double dsalary, double dnetPay);

    void calcFedTaxes(double Fsalary, double FwtRate, double FicaRate,
            double & withholdingTax, double & incomeTax); 

    void calcnetPay(double & netPay, double weeklySalary, double fwtTax,
        double ficaTax); 

    void displayInfo (string dname, double dfwtTax, double dficaTax, 
            double dnetPay);

    system ("pause");

}   //end call function

//*****function definitions*****

void getInput(string iname, double isalary)
    //enter input items
    cout << "Enter name: ";
    cin >> iname;
    cout << "weekly salary: ";
    cin >> isalary;

void calcFedTaxes (double Fsalary, double FwtRate,  double FicaRate, 
        double & withholdingTax, double & incomeTax)
    withholdingTax = Fsalary * FwtRate;
    incomeTax      = Fsalary * FicaRate;     

void calcnetPay(double & netPay, double weeklySalary, double fwtTax, 
        double ficaTax)
    netPay = weeklySalary - fwtTax - ficaTax;

void displayInfo(string dname, double dfwtTax,  double dficaTax, 
        double dnetPay)
    cout << "name: " << dname;
    cout << "With holding Tax: " << dfwtTax;
    cout << "With holding Fica: "<<dficaTax;
    cout << "Net pay: " <<dnetPay;
    cin>> dnetPay;

    //end of displayInfo function


These aren't standard library functions, do you know where they come from - probably something in your environment/compiler.

You need to link with the libraries, in visual studio see properties->linker->input->additional dependencies, on uinx you will have to pass '-lnameoflibrary' to the compiler

Martin Beckett
This is now closed. Many Thanks everyone for helping out!
+5  A: 

Your code is referencing functions which it does not provide. (That's only a link error because those functions may well be provided by some other library you might be linking with.)

(without any code posted) You presumably have a separate header file which defines prototypes of getInput and displayInfo. Make sure that your definitions of getInput and displayInfo actually match those prototypes! Note that

void getInput(std::string &foo, double &bar)

is different than

void getInput(std::string foo, double bar)

and also, of course,

void getInpoot(std::string &foo, double &bar)
Captain Segfault
+1  A: 

In main,

//call function to get input and calculate salary and taxes
void getInput(string dname, double dsalary, double dnetPay);

void calcFedTaxes(double Fsalary, double FwtRate, double FicaRate,
        double & withholdingTax, double & incomeTax); 

void calcnetPay(double & netPay, double weeklySalary, double fwtTax,
        double ficaTax); 

void displayInfo (string dname, double dfwtTax, double dficaTax, 
        double dnetPay);

does not do what you think it does.

What you have done is given prototypes for functions. This generates no code and does not call any functions.

You probably meant

// call functions to get input and calculate salary and taxes
getInput(dname, dsalary, dnetPay);

double withholdingTax, incomeTax;
calcFedTaxes(dsalary, FWT_RATE, FICA_RATE, withholdingTax, incomeTax);

et cetera. These functions that you are trying to call do not match the functions you have actually defined, which you must also fix.

Apologies - here are the includes#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <iomanip>
Well, you call `system` whose prototype is in `<cstdlib>`. Even though it either gets pulled in through another header or works without a proper prototype, you should still `#include` the correct header.
Thank You, I am halfway through fixing, I will be right back, I noticed where I had messed up! :)
+3  A: 

Just from a casual glance, I notice two obvious mistakes.

The first is an argument mismatch between the prototype and definition of getInput()

void getInput(string &, double &) ;
void getInput(string iname , double isalary)

where the prototype is expecting references, but the definition is not.

The second one is a bit more obvious once you see it. A simple typo where the function name is missing an "a" in the displayInfo() definition.

void displyInfo(string dname, double dfwtTax,  double dficaTax, 
    double dnetPay)
Thank You it worked!
+1  A: 

In main(), you are only prototype functions, not calling them:

//call function to get input and calculate salary and taxes 
void getInput(string dname, double dsalary, double dnetPay);

That defines a function, now you need to call it:

getInput(dname, dsalary, dnetPay);

That said, your code is confusing. Let's look at the three current references to getInput in your code:

void getInput(string &, double);
void getInput(string dname, double dsalary, double dnetPay);
void getInput(string iname, double isalary) { ... }

You have two prototypes, both of which have different signatures then your function definition. Until you get that cleaned up, you are going to continue having trouble.

R Samuel Klatchko