Where you do your rotation in rotateByMatrix, you compute the new pos[0], but then feed that into the next line for computing the new pos[1]. So the pos[0] you're using to compute the new pos[1] is not the input, but the output. Store the result in a temp var and return that.
Coord<float> tmp;
tmp[0] = (cosf(zrot) * pos[0] - (sinf(zrot) * pos[1]));
tmp[1] = (sinf(zrot) * pos[0] + cosf(zrot) * pos[1]);
return tmp;
Also, pass the pos into the function as a const reference.
const Coord<float> &pos
Plus you should compute the sin and cos values once, store them in temporaries and reuse them.
mr grumpy
2009-11-07 19:15:44