



I have 2 tables
  1. Client
  2. Operations

Operations can result in: Credits or Debits ('C' or 'D' in a char field) along with date and ammount fields.

I must calculate the balance for each client's account using linQ... The result should also show balance 0 for clients whom didn't make operations yet

I have the following function with linQ statement, but I know it could be done in a better and quicker, shorter way, right? Which will be?

public static double getBalance(ref ClasesDeDatosDataContext xDC, string SSN,
int xidClient)
    var cDebits =
     from ops in xDC.Operations
                where (ops.idClient == xidClient) && (ops.OperationCode == 'D')
                select ops.Ammount;
    var cCredits =
                from ops in xDC.Operations
                where (ops.idClient == xidClient) && (ops.OperationCode == 'C')
                select ops.Ammount;
    return (double)(cCredits.Sum() - cDebits.Sum());

Thanks !!!


I don't know if the LINQ-to-SQL engine can handle the expression, but something like this should be possible:

return (
  from ops in xDC.Operations
  where ops.idClient == xidClient
  select ops.operationCode == 'C' ? ops.Amount : -ops.Amount
).Sum(a => a);

Or perhaps:

return (
  from ops in xDC.Operations
  where ops.idClient == xidClient
  select new { Sign = ops.operationCode == 'C' ? 1.0 : -1.0, Amount = ops.Amount }
).Sum(o => o.Sign * o.Amount);

If the collection is empty, the Sum method returns zero, so that takes care of clients without transactions.

Corrected spelling in query: Ampont -> Amount

I'm getting a runtime Exception... The null value cannot be assigned to a member with type System.Double which is a non-nullable value type.
With which of them? Can the Amount field be null? Can there be other operations than 'C' or 'D'?
Hi Guffa... check the screenshot. This is the exception at runtime (some msgs are in spanish)...
I did set up some test objects and tried the query, and it works fine. It seems like you have a null value in your data. Does the Amount field allow null values, and does it have any?