



Hi all,

I have the following interface declaration:

public interface SomeInterface {

    void someMethod() throws Exception;


I use a third party to generate an implementation of this class (JavaCC - for the curious)

The generated class looks naively like this:

public class SomeClass implements SomeInterface {

   public void someMethod() throws SomeException {

    // Does something


Where SomeException is of course a subclass of Exception.

(Not) surprisingly the code does not compile.

Does anyone have any input concerning this?



renamed the method SomeMethod() to someMethod().

It had been a typo of mine... (sorry)

EDIT #2:

Sorry all - huge mistake of mine. Writing this example had forced me to strip down the code. I had not noticed that the mistake was elsewhere and not with the signature.

Thats the "magic" of runtime compile and custom class loading...


It doesn't compile because the method names aren't the same (check the caps on S/someMethod)

Michael Della Bitta
But if you fix that, it should compile fine.
Michael Della Bitta
just a typo in StackOverflow...
But this compiles:import*;interface SomeInterface { void someMethod() throws Exception;}class SomeClass implements SomeInterface { public void someMethod() throws IOException { // Does something }}So the problem must be something else...
Michael Della Bitta

Case is important in Java. Your interface says someMethod and your class says SomeMethod.

just a typo in StackOverflow...

Why does your interface method throw Exception? This is almost always wrong. Exception is just the base type the rest extend from; it's not meant to be used this way.

Kevin Bourrillion
Its because of class loading issues... The code that generates the class also generates the exception which will be loaded in a different class loader than the interface. I cannot, to my knowledge, have the interface use the same exception type since it will never be the same. Is that somewhat clearer now?
There's occasionally a reason to do this: it says that the method can throw an implementation-specific checked exception. For example consider a persistence mechanism that could either write to a database or a file. One throws SQLException, the other throws IOException. In either case, the application needs to catch the exception when a write fails, and take some action (ranging from simply wrapping in a RuntimeException/subclass to generating a customized error page/dialog).