



When a new view controller is pushed onto the navigation stack, there is standard support for a back button with the title of the previous view controller. This button "points" to the left rather than having a rounded rectanglar shape.

Is there a standard way to create a UIBarButtonItem that "points" to the right? This button would be used as the rightBarButtonItem.


You could use one of the PNG files floating around with iPhone UI widgets (example). Take the left-pointing button and flip it horizontally in Photoshop or another image editing tool to make it point right-wards.

Then insert a UIButton into the rightBarButtonItem view, using the horizontally-flipped widget as its image property.

Alex Reynolds
By "standard way" I meant not using a custom view. It sounds like the answer to my question is "No, you have to use a custom view." Is that correct?
Apple does not provide a right-pointing bar button, no. You'll have to use a custom view (which is the "standard way" for dealing with what Apple doesn't provide).
Alex Reynolds
+3  A: 
Jean Regisser
I have been meaning to look through the Three20 library. I will probably grab some other stuff from it too...