




I have a problem getting boost::multi_index_container work with random-access and with orderd_unique at the same time. (I'm sorry for the lengthly question, but I think I should use an example..)

Here an example: Suppose I want to produce N objects in a factory and for each object I have a demand to fulfill (this demand is known at creation of the multi-index). Well, within my algorithm I get intermediate results, which I store in the following class:

class intermediate_result
    std::vector<int>   parts;     // which parts are produced
    int                used_time; // how long did it take to produce

    ValueType          max_value; // how much is it worth

The vector parts descibes, which objects are produced (its length is N and it is lexicographically smaller then my coresp demand-vector!) - for each such vector I know the used_time as well. Additionally I get a value for this vector of produced objects.

I got another constraint so that I can't produce every object - my algorithm needs to store several intermediate_result-objects in a data-structure. And here boost::multi_index_container is used, because the pair of parts and used_time describes a unique intermediate_result (and it should be unique in my data-structure) but the max_value is another index I'll have to consider, because my algorithm always needs the intermediate_result with the highest max_value.

So I tried to use boost::multi_index_container with ordered_unique<> for my "parts&used_time-pair" and ordered_non_unique<> for my max_value (different intermediate_result-objects may have the same value).

The problem is: the predicate, which is needed to decide which "parts&used_time-pair" is smaller, uses std::lexicographical_compare on my parts-vector and hence is very slow for many intermediate_result-objects. But there would be a solution: my demand for each object isn't that high, therefore I could store on each possible parts-vector the intermediate results uniquely by its used_time.

For example: if I have a demand-vector ( 2 , 3 , 1) then I need a data-structure which stores (2+1)*(3+1)*(1+1)=24 possible parts-vectors and on each such entry the different used_times, which have to be unique! (storing the smallest time is insufficient - for example: if my additional constraint is: to meet a given time exactly for production)

But how do I combine a random_access<>-index with an ordered_unique<>-index?
(Example11 didn't help me on this one..)

+2  A: 

To use two indices you could write the following:

  random_access< >,      
      member<intermediate_result, int, &intermediate_result::used_time>,
      member<intermediate_result, std::vector<int>, &intermediate_result::parts>

You could use composite_key for comparing used_time at first and vector only if necessary. Besides that, keep in mind that you could use member function as index.

Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
Hi, thank you for your answer, but would this prohibit having the same `used_time` for different `parts`-vectors? I mean: only the pair of vector and used_time is supposed to be unique (not the time itself)
Use `composite_key` then. Updated my answer.
Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
Just as an example: I could write an own data-structure which has 24 entries for every possible parts-vector (for the example above) and in each entry there is a `std::map<used_time , max_value>`. Those maps can be empty (if no such intermediate result was found). But the used_time for a given parts-vector is unique. BUT I have to search for the highest max_value as well! So I wanted to build this kind of data-structure with the random-access index of the multi_index_container...(ohh, just read your comment on `composite_key` - I'll look into that - thanks!!)
As you suggested, this approach would be better with a member function which returns a (unique) index. With this I can prevent the use of `lexicographical_compare` for the vector of integers. Thank you! But as I mentioned in my answer/question: Then I don't really need the `random_access<>` index, because I didn't force uniqueness for this index or am I missing something? I would like the data-structure to use constant-time lookup through the `get_index` function (especially when I insert a new element, which has to be checked for uniqueness). Is there a way to do this with multi-index?

Hi again. (I had to use an own answer to write code-blocks - sorry!)

The composite_key with used_time and parts (as Kirill V. Lyadvinsky suggested) is basically what I've already implemented. I want to get rid of the lexicographical compare of the parts-vector.

Suppose I've stored the needed_demand somehow then I could write a simple function, which returns the correct index within a random-access data-structure like that:

int get_index(intermediate_result &input_result) const
    int ret_value  = 0;
    int index_part = 1;
    for(int i=0;i<needed_demand.size();++i)
        ret_value  += input_result.get_part(i) * index_part;
        index_part *= (needed_demand.get_part(i) + 1);

Obviously this can be implemented more efficiently and this is not the only possible index ordering for the needed demand. But let's suppose this function exists as a member-function of intermediate_result! Is it possible to write something like this to prevent lexicographical_compare ?

  random_access< >,      
      member<intermediate_result, int, &intermediate_result::used_time>,

If this is possible and I initialized the multi-index with all possible parts-vectors (i.e. in my comment above I would've pushed 24 empty maps in my data-structure), does this find the right entry for a given intermediate_result in constant time (after computing the correct index with get_index) ?
I have to ask this, because I don't quite see, how the random_access<> index is linked with the ordered_unique<> index..

But thank you for your answers so far!!

Remove `random_access` and replace `ordered_unique` with `hashed_unique`. You'll be able to use `find` function to find element identified be `used_time`/`get_index` pair. Or you could use `equal_range` to find set of elements with specified `used_time`.
Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
You could use any index independently. To find element by specified index you should write `container.get<1>().find`, where 1 is an index number. 0 is used by default (e.g. `container.find`).
Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
If you will remove `random_access` index then you'll write `container.find` or `container.equal_range`.
Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
It is nice to use hashed_unique, but it is not faster. :-( Lets make a bold assumption: Suppose `used_time` is limited by a constant `max_time`. Then I could easily extend the `get_index` function to return a unique integer (better: std::size_t) for each `used_time`/`get_index` pair. Therefore: if I initialize my data-structure with all such possible integers as a `random_access<>` index and store on each entry the `max_value` (as a second `ordered_not_unique<>` index), then I should be able to work with it really fast (insert/find/update in constant time for a given unique `get_index` result)
The problem with this approach is (of course) that I'll have to use way more memory for this, because the `max_time` could be very high (in relation to the `needed_demand` entires). Additionally most of those entries will not get a useful `intermediate_result`, because the algorithm doesn't provide an `intermediate_result` for most possible `used_times`.
In my detour with that extended `get_index` function I explicitly produced unique integers resulting in a `random_access<>` index which is unique at the same time! Isn't there a way to tell the multi-index that I do have a `random_access` index, but that it is unique by a given compare-function (or something like that) ? If that would be possible, then I wouldn't need that much memory...