




I have following windows configuration:

Windows machine "A" has mercurial repository. hg server is running on "A" http

I created clone of "A" on windows machine "B" After adding and commitng my changes in to clone, I want to push these changes to machine "A". Tried TortoiseHg: synchronize -> Push option, but getting below error:

pushing to http://praveen@IP Addr:8001/
searching for changes
1 changesets found
ssl required
[command returned code 1]

Then I did below changes in the machine "A" /.hg/hgrc file

  push_ssl = False
  allow_push = *

and again I tried hg push from machine "B" but getting same error.

can anyone solve my problem.

Thanks in Advance.


+2  A: 
Dave Webb
I res-started the HTTP server of machine "A" and problem resolved. Now able to push over http protocoal from remote clone. Thanks a lot.
The boolean values are not case-sensitive and you can use "1", "yes", "true", "on", for True and "0", "no", "false", "off" for False.
Martin Geisler
Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't think it was case sensitive so it's good to know for sure now.
Dave Webb
Yes, I tried in both ways: False/false and its working fine.