I'm looking for a good inflection (or well, a library that can turn plural into singular and vice verse - which a kind of inflection) library for PHP, it could be a part of some current framework or a stand alone library the only requirement I have is that it's compatible with the MIT license.
There is one included with Code Igniter, you could check it out and see if it meets your needs.
Rich Bradshaw
2008-10-04 09:25:25
You'll find a good example on the one that comes with CakePHP:
It's part of a framework and it's MIT licensed.
Gustavo Carreno
2008-10-04 09:27:25
If you would like to knock up your own plural inflector this may help:
Question Mark
2009-05-10 14:44:10
I'm using this one Improved Pluralizing in php actionscript and ROR. It's released with an MIT license and isn't part of a framework.
2009-07-20 15:53:40