I learned something very useful when trying to port one client's MFC application to Qt.
I do a lot of refactoring. That doesn't scare me at all. However, I am usually incrementally changing things. That makes a huge difference.
I started porting the MFC application to Qt just after the LGPL version of Qt was released, but before the LGPL release of 'qtwinmigrate' (get it at ftp://ftp.qt.nokia.com/qt/solutions/lgpl/). At the time, I thought Qt was going to hold on to the MFC migration stuff as an incentive for the commercial license.
I had to convert a good number of files before ever being able to compile the project. Once the very basics were up and running, I slowly re-added dialogs until the functionality matched the original version. This was much harder than being able to keep your existing MFC app running as is and slowly replacing dialogs.
So, the point is... USE QTWINMIGRATE!
Oh yeah... and don't use VC6. Upgrade to something more recent.