



I have an app which has to load some data at startup, so I want to display a splash-screen animation.

I'm using the MPMoviePlayerController to play a m4v file.
The movie has it's background set to [UIColor clearColor].
Default.png is the movies first frame, and also the initial views background image (as a UIImageView).

To loop the movie, I'm subscribing to it's MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification notification and when it triggers I'm doing a [movie play] which restarts the movie.

Everything works almost fine.

When the movie is re-started (the 2nd loop), it plays, but once every few frames it paints the background image over it again and then re-paints the movie. This produces something close to a flicker.

It's like having this frame sequence:
1 2 3 4 _image_ 5 6 7 8 9 _image_ 10 11 12 ..
I've validated that it's the background image by changing it, and the repainted image is also changed.

Does anyone know what's wrong?


This seems to only happen on the simulator, it works fine on the device. I can live with that.
