Assuming that you wish to stop ANY process launching from a removable drive, this seems to be an application for a shell hook. I wrote the following code over the last half-hour, and it seems to test out OK. Bear in mind that writing a hook is a non-trivial process, and a global hook requires that a DLL be written. This is the relevant guts of the hook DLL:
BOOL __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall InstallShellHook ()
lpfnHookProc = (HOOKPROC) ShellFunc ;
if (hShellHook == NULL)
hShellHook = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_SHELL,
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
LRESULT CALLBACK ShellFunc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
HWND hWndNew;
char szBuff [_MAX_PATH];
char szDrive [_MAX_DRIVE];
switch (nCode)
hWndNew = (HWND)wParam;
GetWindowModuleFileName (hWndNew, szBuff, _MAX_PATH);
_splitpath (szBuff, szDrive, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (GetDriveType (szDrive) == DRIVE_REMOVABLE)
PostMessage (hWndNew, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
return 0;
I have tested this code, installed from a simple dialog testbed, and it allows me to launch any windowed application from my hard drive, but immediately closes any I launch from a USB key.
Note that this solution works for all GUI processes (i.e. non-console), but requires that they respond to WM_CLOSE on a top-level window. A more aggressive general solution would probably require you to resolve the hwnd into a hprocess and call TerminateProcess: the solution I have provided is "kinder" (linked DLLs will get unloaded etc), but less general.
If you want to know the basics of writing a system-wide hook, you can find them on my website here. Note that the above isn't production-quality code, I hacked it into an old ANSI dll I had laying around, hence the lack of support for Unicode, or anything approaching decent debug capability. It shows the basic idea though.