Hi all, I have a problem with arrays and passing images between views that I would like some help on! So the background is that I have:
• RootViewController (which handles my table view)
• CommunicationViewController which handles the detail of the selected element from the table
• SelectSlideViewController which displays an image clicked on from the CommunicationViewController and allows the user to select a different one from the camera roll
So the problem:
• In the CommunicationViewConroller, I have the following code if the user clicks on a button:
- (IBAction) selectSlide:(id) sender
if(self.selectSlideView == nil)
SelectSlideViewController *viewController = [[SelectSlideViewController alloc]
initWithNibName:@"SelectSlideViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
self.selectSlideView = viewController;
[viewController release];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:self.selectSlideView animated:YES];
self.selectSlideView.cmn = cmn;
self.selectSlideView.title = cmn.name;
self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage5;
And the above code works, if for, example, I click on button 5, as it sets image5 to the view in the “SelectSlideViewController”.
However, I would like to have multiple buttons using the same “selectSlide” action – and to do that, I need to figure out which button was pressed, and then assign the correct image to the “SelectSlideViewController” from an array of images (or a series of if-else statements which is clunky).
• So my revised code is as follows, but it doesn’t work with the array – any thoughts?:
- (IBAction) selectSlide:(id) sender
if(self.selectSlideView == nil)
SelectSlideViewController *viewController = [[SelectSlideViewController alloc]
initWithNibName:@"SelectSlideViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
self.selectSlideView = viewController;
[viewController release];
NSUInteger tmpInt = -1;
tmpInt = [buttonArray indexOfObject:sender];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:self.selectSlideView animated:YES];
self.selectSlideView.cmn = cmn;
self.selectSlideView.title = cmn.name;
NSLog(@"The int was %d",tmpInt);
NSLog(@"This is the image array size %d ",[imageArray count]);
If(tmpInt >-1 && tmpInt <9)
self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = [imageArray objectAtIndex:tmpInt];
/** this code works, but is a bit clunky:
if(tmpInt == 0)
self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage1;
else if (tmpInt == 1)
self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage2;
else if (tmpInt == 2)
self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage3;
else if (tmpInt == 3)
self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage4;
else if (tmpInt == 4)
self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage5;
else if (tmpInt == 5)
self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage6;
else if (tmpInt == 6)
self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage7;
else if (tmpInt == 7)
self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage8;
else if (tmpInt == 8)
self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage9;
I have definitely confirmed that the imageArray is of size 9, and that it is picking the correct index from the array, however the SelectSlideViewController doesn't display the image, if accessed from the array. It displays it if accessed using the clunky if-else statements.