



If I am writing a MIDlet, and if the device supports SMS push registration (i.e. supports WMA 1.1 spec), I will be able to send push messages to the application that is installed on the phone and is listening to SMS messages at the assigned port.

However, if I am writing a Blackberry application, can I still go ahead and use the procedure that applies to MIDP 2.0 devices. If so, can I specify static SMS push registration in JAD file, as we do for a MIDlet? Would the appropriate JAD property be still specified as MIDlet-Push-1:{}?

Another question, that is not totally unrelated is- are there any bulk SMS providers that allow SMS bearers specify the destination ports that can be integrated with this kind of a solution?



A regular blackberry application does not support the push registry. You'll have to keep a DatagramConnection open and listen for the incoming SMS messages that way.

DatagramConnection connection = (DatagramConnection)"sms://:1234");
Datagram dgram = connection.newDatagram(connection.getMaximumLength());
connection.receive(dgram); // blocking call so this should be in a separate thread
String message = new String(dgram.getData());

where 1234 is the port you're listening on.

As to you're second question I'm not entirely sure, but I think mblox supports port directed SMS.
