I wanted to ask if there are any other Write Once, run anywhere languages like Java or AIR. I have mostly been a Java developer up till now, and a bit of Python and recently AIR has peaked my interest as I just found out about it.
Also I wanted to know if there are any unrar libraries for AIR or someway to read RAR archives with AIR, kind of like how you can with FZip and zip files. Kinda want a solution better than including binaries for Win/Lin/OSX with my program and using those based on the system.
Also I don't mind a compiled language as long as I can write 1 set of code, and it can be compiled to all the platforms with minimal to no changes. Kinda want to not use any OS Specific code or APIs, its why I asked for runtime languages like AIR or Java. Well Python is too, but it requires a bit of OS specific coding for file management.