
Explicit multi-core C# applications

Is there any easy way to explicitly make an already threaded application utilise a multicore environment? (if avaliable). The first problem would be how do I determine if my runtime environment supports multi-core applications? If I then determine that I can use multi core functionality, can I explicitly assign threads to run on differ...

Write once, run anywhere languages & Unrar for AIR

I wanted to ask if there are any other Write Once, run anywhere languages like Java or AIR. I have mostly been a Java developer up till now, and a bit of Python and recently AIR has peaked my interest as I just found out about it. Also I wanted to know if there are any unrar libraries for AIR or someway to read RAR archives with AIR, ki...

Java: hasJREfinishedInitialization() - how to check if jre has finished loading/initializing all core classes?

Is there a way to check if all boot (core) java classes (belonging to the Java Runtime Environment) have been loaded/initialized for use in Java? I need to check this in a rare situation where I have have access to the JRE but not to the actual application, so I cannot simply wait for the main application to run and execute from that po...

Set Java Application's virtual machine max memory without access to VM parameters because of custom launcher?

I'm using a Java application which allows you to import custom files. On import, these files are loaded into memory. The problem is that the files I want to import are very big, this causes an OutOfMemory exception. The crash log also informs me that the VM was started with the java parameter "-Xmx512m", I want to alter this to "-Xmx102...