



Any one knows how to write and read NSMutableArray or Dictionary data using AsycSocket Library ?

Clarification: I want a way to archive NSMuatbleArray and write this on the stream. seemed pretty forward but running in simulator I get this wierd error [NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData:]: incomprehensible archive


That depends upon what is running on the server side. You can convert an array or dictionary to XML or JSON and send either of those over a socket connection. For that matter, though, you could just skip AsyncSocket and use a standard NSURLConnection to POST any data to a web server that is running some server side script capable of parsing the data you send it.

Your question is very broad. If you're more specific you'll probably get a better answer.

Matt Long
hmmmm JSON XML is too much for this small iPhone app.

Are you passing the complete archive, or only what you've read so far? You can't unarchive objects from an archive you haven't fully read in yet.

Peter Hosey