



After create a new system call, how to update the kernel?

I tried these lines,

make-kpkg clean
fakeroot make-kpkg -initrd -append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers

But Ubuntu asked me if I am sure what I am doing, or not. But I am not sure. Do I have to say yes? Here is what did, Ubuntu said to me:

You are attempting to install a kernel image (version However, the directory /lib/modules/ still exists. If this directory belongs to a previous linux-image- package, and if you have deselected some modules, or installed standalone modules packages, this could be bad.

I agree with Ubuntu. This could be bad. How can I recompile the kernel? Second question is, after writing a system call, do I have to install debian files?


The easiest way to avoid clashing with your installed kernel is to configure yours with an additional version string.
