I'm Having a problem with my DirectX 9 Terrain Engine.. It's working fine, except for one thing, it doesn't load the heightmap in a proper way. You can see a screenshot of the problem here: as you can see there is a diagonal crack through the entire map.. one side should be mirrored to render the map properly.
I'm almost sure the problem is not inside the file, as other programs don't seem to have a problem with it.
I'm loading my heightmap in this way (class header first):
class Terrain
Terrain(const char* fileName);
void Update(int x, int y);
void Render(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 Device);
float* Data;
int Width;
int TileWidth;
bool isRendering;
bool isSwapping;
std::vector<Chunk*> RenderChunks;
and the constructor:
Terrain::Terrain(const char* fileName)
std::fstream File(fileName, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
File.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
int Length = File.tellg();
File.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
int w = (int)sqrt((float)Length/4.0)-1;
Data = new float[Length / 4];
File.read((char*)Data, Length);
Width = w;
int dataWidth = w+1;
TileWidth = w/16;
for (int y=0; y<TileWidth; y++)
for (int x=0; x<TileWidth; x++)
Chunk* c = new Chunk(x*16, y*16, 16, 512, Data);
Whenever I'm calling a height on the heightmap, i use it like this: Data[x + y*dataWidth] (just the usual way) the Chunk class is a class that just renders a part of the heightmap, just so the detail decreases as the distance to the camera increaes.
So my question is: what could cause my problem?
EDIT: Rendering code:
void Terrain::Render(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 Device)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<RenderChunks.size(); ++i)
Chunk::Chunk(int cX, int cY, int cW, int dW, float* Data):
Pos(cX, 0, cY)
Heights = new float[(cW + 1) * (cW + 1)];
ParentH = Data;
ParentOffset = cX + cY*dW;
ParentW = dW;
Width = cW + 1;
for (int y=0; y<Width; ++y)
memcpy(Heights + y*Width, Data + cX + (y+cY)*dW, sizeof(float)*Width);
Vertices = NULL;
Calculate(16, 16, 16, 16, 16);
void Chunk::Calculate(int L, int lod_L, int lod_R, int lod_U, int lod_D)
Detail = L;
if (Vertices) delete[] Vertices;
Vertices = new Vertex[(Width-1)*(Width-1)*6/(L*L)];
Count = (Width-1)*(Width-1)*2/(L*L);
float Height = 100.0f;
for (int y=0; y<Width-1; y += L)
for (int x=0; x<Width-1; x += L)
Vertex* thisQuad = Vertices + (y/L)*((Width-1)/L)*6 + (x/L)*6;
float heights[4] = {
Heights[(x ) + (y )*Width] * Height,
Heights[(x ) + (y + L)*Width] * Height,
Heights[(x + L) + (y )*Width] * Height,
Heights[(x + L) + (y + L)*Width] * Height};
float bonus[8] = {
if (Pos.z + y > 0)
bonus[0] = ParentH[((int)Pos.x + x ) + ((int)Pos.z + y - L)*ParentW] * Height;
bonus[1] = ParentH[((int)Pos.x + x + L) + ((int)Pos.z + y - L)*ParentW] * Height;
if (Pos.x + x > 0)
bonus[2] = ParentH[((int)Pos.x + x - L) + ((int)Pos.z + y )*ParentW] * Height;
bonus[4] = ParentH[((int)Pos.x + x - L) + ((int)Pos.z + y + L)*ParentW] * Height;
if (Pos.x + x < ParentW-L-L)
bonus[3] = ParentH[((int)Pos.x + x+L+L) + ((int)Pos.z + y )*ParentW] * Height;
bonus[5] = ParentH[((int)Pos.x + x+L+L) + ((int)Pos.z + y + L)*ParentW] * Height;
if (Pos.z + y < ParentW-L-L)
bonus[6] = ParentH[((int)Pos.x + x ) + ((int)Pos.z + y+L+L)*ParentW] * Height;
bonus[7] = ParentH[((int)Pos.x + x + L) + ((int)Pos.z + y+L+L)*ParentW] * Height;
if (x == 0 && lod_L>L)
heights[0] = lerp(
Heights[(x ) + (((y )/lod_L)*lod_L )*Width],
Heights[(x ) + (((y )/lod_L)*lod_L + lod_L)*Width],
(float)((y ) % lod_L) / (float)lod_L) * Height;
heights[1] = lerp(
Heights[(x ) + (((y + L)/lod_L)*lod_L )*Width],
Heights[(x ) + (((y + L)/lod_L)*lod_L + lod_L)*Width],
(float)((y+L) % lod_L) / (float)lod_L) * Height;
if (x >= Width-2 && lod_R>L)
heights[2] = lerp(
Heights[(x + L) + (((y )/lod_R)*lod_R )*Width],
Heights[(x + L) + (((y )/lod_R)*lod_R + lod_R)*Width],
(float)((y ) % lod_R) / (float)lod_R) * Height;
heights[3] = lerp(
Heights[(x + L) + (((y + L)/lod_R)*lod_R )*Width],
Heights[(x + L) + (((y + L)/lod_R)*lod_R + lod_R)*Width],
(float)((y+L) % lod_R) / (float)lod_R) * Height;
if (y == 0 && lod_U>L)
heights[0] = lerp(
Heights[(((x )/lod_U)*lod_U ) + (y )*Width],
Heights[(((x )/lod_U)*lod_U + lod_U) + (y )*Width],
(float)((x ) % lod_U) / (float)lod_U) * Height;
heights[2] = lerp(
Heights[(((x + L)/lod_U)*lod_U ) + (y )*Width],
Heights[(((x + L)/lod_U)*lod_U + lod_U) + (y )*Width],
(float)((x+L) % lod_U) / (float)lod_U) * Height;
if (y >= Width-2 && lod_D>L)
heights[1] = lerp(
Heights[(((x )/lod_D)*lod_D ) + (y + L)*Width],
Heights[(((x )/lod_D)*lod_D + lod_D) + (y + L)*Width],
(float)((x ) % lod_D) / (float)lod_D) * Height;
heights[3] = lerp(
Heights[(((x + L)/lod_D)*lod_D ) + (y + L)*Width],
Heights[(((x + L)/lod_D)*lod_D + lod_D) + (y + L)*Width],
(float)((x+L) % lod_D) / (float)lod_D) * Height;
D3DXVECTOR3 fake(0,0,0);
Vertex p1(D3DXVECTOR3(x, heights[0], y ) + Pos, CalcNormal(bonus[2], heights[2], bonus[0], heights[1]));
Vertex p2(D3DXVECTOR3(x, heights[1], y + L) + Pos, CalcNormal(bonus[4], heights[3], heights[0], bonus[6]));
Vertex p3(D3DXVECTOR3(x + L, heights[2], y ) + Pos, CalcNormal(heights[0], bonus[3], bonus[1], heights[3]));
Vertex p4(D3DXVECTOR3(x + L, heights[3], y + L) + Pos, CalcNormal(heights[1], bonus[5], heights[2], bonus[7]));
thisQuad[0] = p1;
thisQuad[1] = p2;
thisQuad[2] = p3;
thisQuad[3] = p3;
thisQuad[4] = p2;
thisQuad[5] = p4;
void Chunk::Render(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 Device)