



I am new to website designing and wanted to know couple of things.

  1. when some clicks on the link on my website say, can i trace that how many people clicked on it.
  2. When i send out emails with attachments, can i record how many people opened those attachements. btw this is not yahoo or gmail, its my personal email with an ISP.

if so, please put references so i can read them or explanation if possible

+3  A: 

Create the links on your website so that they do a GET to your website first, and then redirect to the desired website.

<a href="">Click here</a>

The email attachment is a different problem. If you send an email that reads the attachment from your website, you can record the traffic.

Robert Harvey
+1 but the quotes are all messed up =)
David Hedlund
I think you'v meant GET request...
Fixed, thanks...
Robert Harvey
how can i record these clicks in my database? or is there another way these r stored?
also can i find out when someone opens my email, wat links are they clicking and how long r they staying on those links? just questions, am sure some wont have an answer. but thatnks for the help
You would store them in your database. How this is done depends on the database, and your approach. Whether you are using a DAL and which one, for example.
Robert Harvey
What links are they clicking on: same answer. Set up the links so they go to your website first. How long they are staying on the links: If the links are to your website, you can measure the time between page loads.
Robert Harvey
+1  A: 
  • For tracking outbound clicks, services like Google Analytics can wrap every link on your site with JavaScript and provide statistics and sexy graphs.

  • For tracking email attachments, it depends on the attachment. Static files like images can't make callbacks to the Internet, but something like a PDF with embedded JavaScript might be able to.

  • As for links within the emails, you can make each link in each email unique by associating a token with each email recipient, e.g. <a href="http://mysite/page?referrer=e635f56f7dea051c1838a443e065899a"&gt;Some Link</a>. Store the token in a database along with the recipient's email address and later you can cross-reference hits on your site with emails you sent out.

I know there are a handful services that do the latter, but I can't name any offhand. Search for "email newsletter service."

a paid nerd
If I put a link to on my own website, and I have my own website working with Google Analytics, do my analytics reports actually show clicks of the website? I think the analytics only count when your page is landed on, not when your page is left. Or am I confused about how Google Analytics works?
Kurt W. Leucht
I would have *sworn* that Google Analytics provided something to do this automatically, but I think I'm wrong. A quick search for "google analytics outbound links" turns up snippets of code to do this.
a paid nerd