



In Team City, we are currently using a command line build runner. While it works just fine, we don't get any output shown in the Team City log. We essentially get a notification that the process started, and that the process exited with a particular exit code.

Is there a way to pipe the output of the command line call to the log so that we can see it from the Team City UI?

EDIT: The command line call is just to I tried the same call inside a NAnt script hoping that it would somehow catch the output -- and it didn't. The reason I need to call devenv directly is that we have a handful of setup projects inside our solution.

EDIT 2: I have restarted our build server, and output is now correctly being thrown into the log.


Actually, build log has two parts - important messages and all messages. Non-error messages usually go to "all messages".


Restarting the build server fixed the problem.

Bryan Rowe